ICMAC 2018
| INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR MANAGING THE ASIAN CENTURY (ICMAC) 2018 Xiamen Edition: Linking One Belt One Road with Smart Biotech 6-7 July 2018 @ Xiamen World Trade Centre, Xiamen, China |
Xiamen City is a thriving innovation hub developed with grounded stability. The leaders and officials of Xiamen City have spearheaded the stable growth of the city and the people of Xiamen City are progressive and innovative. These two factors have elevated Xiamen City to Tier 1 status in 2017. As one of four original Special Economic Zones in China and part of the Fujian Free Trade Zone, Xiamen City boasts the 7th largest container port in China (Top 15 in the world) and ranks 6th amongst the Top 100 E-Commerce Cities in China.
China is the world’s second largest market for pharmaceuticals, estimated to soar to a high of $167 billion in 2020. From APIs to biologics and generics, China’s entrepreneurs are leading the way as the world’s largest producer of pharmaceuticals. At the same time, China’s aging population puts considerable strain on its overburdened medical system, which has a low density of healthcare professionals distributed across China. Smart technologies can help to address these current gaps, utilising innovative solutions that enable better delivery of healthcare and services with lesser resources. ICMAC 2018: Xiamen Edition showcases smart innovations in health and pharmaceuticals for China’s One Belt One Road Initiative that will enable Xiamen City to become a leading smart health city in a Healthy China.
Aim of ICMAC 2018
ICMAC 2018 is built on the successes of previous conferences in Bali (2017, Smart Innovations for Smart Cities of East Asia), Singapore (2016, Rise of Smart Cities in Asia; 2013, Rise of ASEAN;), Bali (2015, Integrating ASEAN), Kuala Lumpur (2014, ASEAN Entrepreneurs in Technology), and Singapore (2013, Managing the Asian Century). The five conferences brought together international investors, Asia and US inventors and innovators, and representatives of Asian governments. The participants came from incubation hubs of Asia, research think-tanks of Europe, and the Silicon Valley USA.
The theme of ICMAC 2018 - Xiamen: Linking One Belt One Road with Smart Biotech – will host a gathering of like-minded people: international and Asian academics, innovators and representatives of governments. Information technologies and their influences in industry, government and policy planning will be the focus. Digitization trend (past, present and future) will be of particular interest to the participants. The focus is on how Asian nations collaborate on developing inventions and digital innovations for growth across Asia.
We welcome contributions that draw upon contemporary ideas and developments linking AI, IoT and sharing economy with drugs, vaccines, biotherapeutics, medical devices and other areas significant to Health Tech, Biotech, SmartTech, health, and pharmaceuticals.
| INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR MANAGING THE ASIAN CENTURY (ICMAC) 2018 Surabaya Edition: Innovations and Technology for Sustainable Development 8-9 November 2018 @ Novotel Samator Surabaya, Indonesia |
Asia Pacific is experiencing an urban boom, with the United Nations predicting over 50% city-dwelling population in 2018. However, rapid urbanisation is taking its toll in Asia, with many cities facing infrastructure, energy, transport and waste management challenges in air pollution, blackouts, slums and trash mountains. Asian governments are increasingly turning to smart city technologies for safe and sustainable development, with an estimated $63.4 billion to be invested between 2014-2023 according to Navigant Research. Experts from ADB, IMF, UN, World Bank and Asian governments believe that innovative collaborations utilising renewable energy, big data analytics, IoT and urban planning are key to the long-term development of Asian smart cities of the future. The International Conference for Managing the Asian Century (ICMAC) series shares how we can partner to create new models in sustainable growth of nations in the Asian century.
Aim of ICMAC 2018
ICMAC 2018 is built on the successes of previous conferences in Bali (2017, Smart Innovations for Smart Cities of East Asia), Singapore (2016, Rise of Smart Cities in Asia; 2013, Rise of ASEAN;), Bali (2015, Integrating ASEAN), Kuala Lumpur (2014, ASEAN Entrepreneurs in Technology), and Singapore (2013, Managing the Asian Century). The five conferences brought together international investors, Asia and US inventors and innovators, and representatives of Asian governments. The participants came from incubation hubs of Asia, research think-tanks of Europe, and the Silicon Valley USA.
The theme of ICMAC 2018 - Surabaya: Innovations and Technology for Sustainable Development – will host a gathering of like-minded people: international and Asian academics, innovators and representatives of governments. Information technologies and their influences in industry, government and policy planning will be the focus. Digitization trend (past, present and future) will be of particular interest to the participants. The focus is on how Asian nations collaborate on developing inventions and digital innovations for growth across Asia.
We welcome contributions that draw upon contemporary ideas and developments in practices of management, education, organizational development, climate change, financial and economic planning and other areas significant to socio-cultural, environmental and economic development. All qualified papers will be accepted and published in Scopus Indexed journals and/or indexed in the Library of Congress of USA.
| MENTORING EDUCATORS AND RESEARCHERS IN ASIA (MERIA) 2019 MERIA Research Forum 22-23 July 2019 @ Novotel Airport Hotel, Bali Indonesia |
MERIA focuses on mentoring educators & researchers from ASEAN step by step to
Conduct research
Deliver papers at international conferences
Be published in peer-reviewed international journals, Congress catalogued academic books, and high impact reports for the UN and World Bank, including SCOPUS indexed journals
Day 1 |
Agenda | Pre-Requisites |
- Welcome & Introduction
- Why Publish? Approach & Opportunities for Publication
- Research Methodologies
| - Participants to have emailed draft of paper they wish to be published 6 weeks before 22 Jul of workshop: 22 Jul 2019
Day 2 |
Agenda | Pre-Requisites |
- Presentation by Participants
- Closing
| - Participants to prepare 15 minutes presentations: 23 Jul 2019
- MERIA Faculty of Research Professors will give comments for further improvements
Academic publications reflect strength of research community
Academic publications generate high-quality evidence for policy decisions
Times Top 100 Universities tend to be US & Europe, with some top Asian universities listed
Great universities have great professors who are great educators & great researchers
Benefits of MERIA
Participants will publish in an American/European international journal within ONE (1) year
Participants will deliver a research paper in an International Conference within ONE (1) year
MERIA Faculty of Research Professors
Dr. Angappa Gunasekaran PhD (IIT)
Dean, School of Business and Public Administration (BPA), California State University, Bakersfield (USA)
Dr. Angappa Gunasekaran is Dean and Professor at the School of Business & Public Administration, California State University, Bakersfield. Prior to this, he served as Dean of the Charlton College of Business from 2013 to 2017, Chairperson of the Department of Decision and Information Sciences from 2006-2012, and the founding Director of Business Innovation Research Center (BIRC) from 2006 to 2017 at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He has over 300 articles published in peer-reviewed journals. He has presented about 50 papers, published 50 articles in conferences, and given a number of invited talks in many countries. He is on the editorial board of several journals. He has organized several international workshops and conferences in the emerging areas of operations management and information systems.
Dr Purnendu Mandal PhD (Bradford)
Professor, Lamar University, Texas (USA)
Dr. Purnendu Mandal is a Professor in Strategy Management and Management Information Systems at the College of Business, Lamar University, Texas USA. He also served as the Chairperson of Department of Information Systems and Analysis (2004-2008) and Director of Lamar-SAP University Alliance (2004-2008). Dr. Mandal is an educational entrepreneur and established a private training college in Texas. He serves as Emeritus Chair of International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. He is also the Series Editor of 'Managing the Asian Century', books published by Springer-Nature. Dr Mandal worked in several countries, including England, India, Australia, Singapore and USA. He is an active researcher collaborating on research projects with fellow researchers across the glove. He published over 150 journal articles, books, conference papers and presentations. He serves in the editorial board of several international journals.
Dr John Vong PhD (Bradford)
Professor (Fmr), National University of Singapore (LKY SPP)
Dr John Vong was a Senior Adviser of IFC World Bank and UNDP. He has taught at 6 of the Top Global 100 MBA programs including Emory University (US), University Louvain (Belgium), Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), National University Singapore (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and James Cook University Australia. He was also the Academic Director of Singapore Management University Financial IT Academy (2013-2014) and the Director, MBA Programme at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore (1994 - 1998). He serves as Conference Chair of International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. Over the years, he has written and published in 4 Springer books, 7 UNDP & 2 IFC World Bank reports and over 40 international publication.